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Top 10 Shocking Things You Never Knew About Ab0rtion Pills – Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About #1 & 9 {Must Read}

Contraception is a method of indirectly controlling birth measures and make sure that you don’t end up getting preg.nant after the act of se,x.
Though contraception pills have a lot side effects for women, there are also other facts which have come to light after researchers have very carefully examined the prolonged use of such pills.
Contraception is just a way to controlling the birth of a baby, or to refrain from having a kid after se,x, and in most cases contraception is definitely useful and works successfully.
1.    Risk of getting blinded
Studies have shown the women who are on the prolonged use of birth control and contraceptive pills for at least three years have higher chances of developing glaucoma and thus developing the risk of getting blind after a certain period of time.
Even researchers all around the world have not been able to examine as to how the use of birth control pills lead to the risk of glaucoma, but it certainly does as estrogen levels also affect the risk of glaucoma in a great way.
2.    Parents prefer their teen daughters to use one type of contraception
Parents all around the world believe in their teen daughters living more on contraceptive and birth pills rather than using condoms or other methods of contraception.
Some parents due to their religious beliefs deny the use of morning pills, but largely parents have been observed to support the use of contraceptive pills only as they do not trust or are misled with the use of condoms from the risk of preg.nancy and the transfer of s*xual diseases.
3. The new intravagi.nal ring
Scientists have developed a new intrava.ginal ring which is form of conception soon to be tested in women. It delivers controlled doses of two drugs, namely tenofovir and antiretroviral that protects the contraction of s*xually transmitted diseases such as HIV and herpes, along with controlling and terminating unwanted preg.nancy.
The ring is 5.5 cms in diameter and is inserted in the vagi.na for three months which could control the spread of STDs and risk of preg.nancy.
3.    Pill for Men
Scientists have been trying to create and develop contraceptive pill for men which will stop the release of sperms, at the same time letting the s*xual function of testosterone work properly.
It basically means that the sperm will be there but scientists are trying to block the two proteins in the muscle cells which are responsible for the release of sperms during ejaculation in men. So only the release of sperms will be blocked which will avoid and stop the woman from getting preg.nant. 
4.    No knowledge about morning after pill
The morning after pill is basically a single tablet used in case of birth control failure and to protect preg.nancy after unprotected s.ex.
Yet, youngsters and teenagers around the world receive and have very misleading information about this morning after pill. Studies have shown the pharmacies at times give misleading advice to teenagers, and some deny giving and selling the morning after pill due to some ethnic and religious beliefs. 

Many pharmacy employees don’t have the correct information about the usage of the pill and the age requirements of the pill, and some had problems with the medication because they weren’t advised the correct ingredient and dosage of the pill.
5.    Female sterilization process increases risk of preg.nancy
A new process of hysterospoic sterilization actually helps women to control preg.nancy and avoid them from having a child after s*x. But, studies have shown that the use of such sterilization process actually has chances to increase the risks of preg.nancy by 10 times during a 10 year period.
What this process does in the short term might greatly affect the birth control process and procedures in the long run.
6.    Birth control failure by overweight women
Women who are considered to be fat and obese usually face failure when it comes to birth control, meaning that the birth control pills fail to work on them and thus they suffer from unintended preg.nancies.
Studies and researchers have pointed out that women with a lesser BMI are safe and secure as the birth control pills do mostly work on them, but women will a BMI higher than 30 and who are considered obese might tend to face more unintended preg.nancy cases than the ones with BMI lesser than 25.
8    Reduced teen preg.nancies by Reality TV
Some shows which were aired on MTV such as ’16 and preg.nant’ and ‘Teen Mom’ could boast about helping to curb down the number of teen preg.nancies around the world.
Apart from the negative impacts a television has, these shows actually brought down the rate and percentage of teen preg.nancies due to its effect it had on teenagers across the globe. The Vital Statistics Natalitiy microdata method was used to examine and observe how the teen preg.nancy rate shifted during the time these shows were aired.
9. Pills could mess around with level of se,xual satisfaction
Pills are also known to bring a change in the level of s*xual satisfaction among women. Studies have shown that women who are on the pill or off the pill during their relationship stay at a greater level of s*xual satisfaction than the ones who either began or stopped the usage of pill during the relationship. Women tend to becomes less satisfied with their long terms partners if they change their piss usage during that relationship.
10. Pills may change a woman’s se,xual preferences
Women because of their ability to ovulate, find themselves attracted to masculine men who have stronger bodies along with being intelligent, dominant and competitive.
Yet, the use of birth control pills among women all around the world has probably changed their preferences of s*xual partners. Studies and research have explained the fact that usage and consumption of pills may tend to have a psychological change in a woman’s mind and make her attracted to or tend to ovulate with less masculine men.
When a woman’s goes off the pill, then she might regain her attraction towards masculine men gradually.

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