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See 13 Dark Secrets Donald Trump’s Wife,Melania Is Hiding From The World – You Really Need To See These! (Photos)

America’s next First Lady is Melania Trump..Many people are surprised, and maybe they should be. After all, she is not your typical First Lady, for many reasons. Besides the fact that she is the first foreign-born First Lady in 200 years (since the only other, English Louisa Adams, wife of sixth president John Quincy Adams who served from 1825-1829), and the first-ever Eastern-European one, Melania Trump seems to have quite a few things to hide. Or at least, things she would just as soon keep private.
That is fine; we are all entitled to our privacy. But that sort of goes out the window when your husband is elected to leader of the free world, don’t you think? Still, Melania has been caught time and time again hiding information about herself, backtracking on things she previously said, straight-out lying, and doing some arguably scandalous things. Some of these you may have suspected but could not confirm (did she have a boob job, or didn’t she?), and some things you had no clue about (was she married before The Donald?)
Melania Trump was born Melanija Knavs, and grew up in the industrial factory town of Sevnica in what was then Yugoslavia, but is now Slovenia. It was under the dictatorship of Marshall Tito and a satellite state of the USSR. Melania’s family lived in a concrete tower block, a far cry from her life in the Trump Tower, and soon, the White House. She left that life behind when she began modeling, and it seems she has not looked back since. Now 46, Melania speaks five languages (English, Slovenian, Serbian, French, and German), hopes to end bullying while in the White House, and stands by her controversial husband who seemingly prefers she be seen and not heard. She has said she does not always agree with him, but has not elaborated on that. So what is going on behind those cool blue eyes? The answer is perhaps a lot more than she lets on. Here are 13 dark little secrets she may wish you had never stumbled upon. But lucky for you, you did.
13. Raunchy Phone Call with Howard Stern 
via elespanol.com
In a creepy interview with Donald and Melania in 1999, radio personality Howard Stern spoke to them on air in what turned into something completely bizarre and misogynistic. The interview was about life and sex with Trump, which I personally have no desire to know about. He was initially interviewing Donald, but when the topic turned to Melania, Howard said, “Let me talk to that broad in your bed.” Melania was wearing barely anything and lying in bed nearby, and came to the phone. First he told her to put on her hottest outfit, then asked about it, and he groaned that he had his “pants off already.” Melania divulged that she and Donald had sex “more than daily”, and the three discussed her chest, and that she was now naked. Howard begged Donald to have sex with her on air to boost his ratings. Wow. It sounds like basically a phone-sex threesome. I must say I would have a thought an international supermodel could have done better than the likes of Howard Stern and Donald Trump.
12. Not the Brightest Crayon in the Box
via buzzkix.com
Although it would be nice to think of our new First Lady as intelligent, sadly that is not the case. And be that as it may, Melania herself probably does not even know it, so it could be argued that it is not an actual “secret”. But those who grew up with her in Slovenia know the truth about her smarts (or lack thereof). One of her old friends from school, who asked not to be named, said this: “People say she’s smart, she’s well-educated like Jackie Kennedy, but… She’s smart for the things she’s interested in, like jewelry. She’s not stupid, she’s not a bimbo, but she’s not especially clever.” Well, I am sure glad our next president is married to a woman who is “not stupid” and “not a bimbo”. Sighing with relief that we dodged those bullets. But from how she acts (and how her husband acts), you would think Melania Trump is of high intelligence. I guess the fancy clothes, serious face, and new title skewer our perception a bit on that one, or maybe we just have a need to believe there are not two complete morons residing in the White House.
11. She Married Her Father
via thescottishsun.com
There are many accounts, even from Melania herself, about how much Donald is like her father. They say girls marry their fathers, after all. There is, firstly and most obviously, their age difference. While Donald is 70 years young (just five years younger than his father-in-law), his wife is 46, meaning there is a 24-year age gap. Donald is by far old enough to be her father, and in fact, his eldest son is only eight years her senior. Furthermore, both men are tall, plump, and have the same hair color. Both Viktor and Donald are impetuous men who appreciate the finer things in life, and as Viktor’s friend and neighbor Tomaz Jeraj says, “He has business in his veins.” Sounds like someone else we know. Oh, and let’s not forget the adulterous tendencies of both men (we’ll get to the details later). Finally, one of Melania’s old friends from Ljubljana, the capital of her country, puts it best when she says, “It’s about all that power and protection. I think she needed a strong man, a father figure.” Gross.
10. Her Native Country Resents Her
via thejapantimes.com
All the way over in Slovenia, there is a bit of resentment that the new First Lady has forgotten where she came from. Rumors abound that she refuses to speak her native language, Slovenian (we at least know this is untrue as her son Barron is fluent in it so that he may speak to his grandparents), and that her big shot husband has only visited the tiny country once. Worse, he only stayed long enough to have dinner, and left again. Some of the people there think Melania thinks herself too good for Slovenia.

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