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She Thought She Was Pregnant, but See What They Found in Her Stomach Instead of a Baby


In this article you will read a story about a young couple that was very happy for their second pregnancy. They already had a boy, and the young parents desired a girl.

Unfortunately, after a while, the young woman got sick. The first ultrasound images that made the doctors were really shocking. It was found that there was no child in her womb.
The doctors discovered that the uterus of this woman was full of tumors. This is a case of molar pregnancy and occurs in only 2% of all “conception”.
Molar pregnancy develops when fertilized egg had not contained an original maternal nucleus. The products of conception may or may not contain fetal tissue. It is characterized by the presence of a hydatidiform mole. Molar pregnancies are categorized as partial moles or complete moles. The word mole is used to denote simply a clump of growing tissue, or a growth.
Her husband published this in order to raise awareness of this medical condition: “My wife has constantly felt ill, and it was not like that with our first child. We had the first ultrasound done in the 11th week and the news were not good. There was not a baby. Instead, we saw a bunch of bubbles, like grapefruit. They called it a molar pregnancy. My wife had to go to surgery. In such cases hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus), must be done” .
However, this mother was lucky and the surgeon was skilled enough, and did not have to remove the reproductive organs. Fortunately, this woman will be able, with some difficulty, try to get pregnant again.
After this accident, her husband concluded: “Although we have not expanded our little family, I’m grateful that I have a beautiful son and a wife that I love the most in the world.”

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