2. Mens-truation may increase a woman’s s-ex drive
Many women feel a higher s-ex drive during their mens-trual cycle. There is a lot of conflicting and confusing information about why this happens. But one reason, according to Sara Gottfried, M.D., author of The Hormone Cure, is that a woman’s estrogen is at an all-time low at the beginning of her period. As her estrogen levels rise over the following week, her testos-terone levels rise as well, helping her be turned on more easily.
3. You can still get pre-gnant.
The chances of becoming pregnant during mens-truation are extremely small, but it can still happen. Though generally it is a very safe time to have unprotected s-ex if you’re trying to avoid preg-nancy, a man’s sp-erm has the ability to survive inside the woman’s body for a few days and there is a small chance that an early ovulation could cause pregnancy. If you want to avoid getting preg-nant, it is best to use contraceptives.
S-ex during mens-truation can relieve cramps. Having an org-asm during the period may give you pain relief from cramps by releasing pain-reducing endorphins into the bloodstream. Also, according to some scientists, s-ex during this time provides further relief by using up chemicals, which are responsible for menstrual cramps.
S-ex during menstruation could also knock a few days off your period. This is because the extra contractions your uterus experiences during org-asm help get rid of menstrual blood faster, ending your cycle sooner than usual. But, you can expect a heavy flow during the initial days. It’s more often women, not men, opposed to the idea.
According to a recent survey conducted on MensHealth.com, it’s women, rather than men, who choose to shut down s3xual activities during mens-truation. More than 75 percent of the men who were surveyed said they had no issues about having s-ex during their partner’s period, though 54 percent said they would only do it with a wife or serious girlfriend.
Do you know some more interesting facts about s-ex during the period?
Have you ever done it?
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