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Tompolo Appeals To Niger Delta Avengers To Stop Attacks


Ex-militant leader, Government Ekpempuolo, alias Tompolo has repeated for the umpteenth time that he does not know the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA). He urged the militant group to stop blowing up oil facilities and embrace dialogue if it was truly fighting for Niger Deltans.

“I wish to appeal to you (Niger Delta Avengers) once again to stop the bombing of oil facilities in the Niger Delta region, and embrace the path of dialogue with the Federal Government of Nigeria, as the government is ready to hear you out on whatever issues you wish to discuss with it,” Tompolo said in a statement on Sunday.
“You guys know that I do not know you and how to reach you, except through the mass media. If truly, as you guys claimed, that you are fighting for the well-being of the people of the Niger Delta, then you must adhere to this appeal, otherwise, the world will label you as criminals,” he said.
“You members of the Niger Delta Avengers group are aware that some mischievous persons have continued to point accusing fingers at me that I am either behind you or directly carrying out the destruction of oil pipelines across the Niger Delta region, therefore , I should be arrested by the Nigerian military.”
“Sadly, the military had bought this ethnic induced and wicked accusation without a single proof to show that I am truly behind you people. On the other hand, some have suggested that you may be part of the multitude of persons I had catered for, from economically empowering to payment of school fees, hospital bills, and house rents and so on.
“And that as am out of circulation as a result of my travails in the hands of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), you might be tempted to strike out on your own for sheer survival. Whichever the case, I still maintain that I know nothing about your group and the destruction of crude oil facilities in the Niger Delta region.
“I have made it clear in many occasions that the issue I am having with the EFFC will not make me to resort to violence and bombing of oil pipelines as my team of lawyers have already challenged the defective process of legal service on me in the Court of Appeal. I am a man of truth and peace, therefore will not be involved in violent activities,” he said.

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